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ECSS 2013 Vortrag: Hail Risk Areas in Austria (Hagelgefährdete Regionen Österreichs)

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. August 2013, 21:40
von ThomasWWN
Welche Gegenden Österreichs werden besonders häufig und von besonders heftigen Hagelstürmen heimgesucht? Diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit gibt Aufschluss darüber.

ECSS 2013 Vortrag: Hail Risk Areas in Austria, on the basis of reports 1971-2011 and Weather Radar Images 2002-2011

Otto Svabik, Vera Meyer, Lukas Tüchler and Gernot Zenkl

Powerpoint-Päsentationsfolien im PDF-Format: ... ons/50.pdf

ZAMG performed a hail risk map of Austria, as an additional parameter inside eHORA (Natural Hazard Overview & Risk Management Austria), in charge of the federal ministry of environment demonstrating risk areas for storms, floods and earthquake.

Basic data were on the one hand the chronicle of our institute showing severe weather events including hailstorms and resulting damages. Finally 435 cases were analysed, all through the years 1971 -2011. On the other hand weather radar composit images, stored since 2002 (time resolution 10 minutes, spatial resolution of 2x2 km during the year 2002, afterwards 5 minutes, resp. 1x1km resolution). Up to 162 hail cases could be combined with cells, detected within the radar images for the last ten years, and at last the tracks of the hailing cells.

All 435 hail events were classified, following the lines of the TORRO hail intensity scale. The scale extends from H0 to H10 with its increments of intensity or damage potential related to hail size.

The complex topography of the Alps has an influence on frequency and intensity of the hail events, expressed by the detected tracks of the hailing cells and the spatial distribution of the different hail intensities.

The tracks north of the main ridge of the Alps run mainly from southwest to northeast. Within the areas south and southeast of the main ridge from west to east, respectively from northwest to southeast.

The strongest hailstorms (intensity TORRO 7, effecting total losses on fields, severe roof damages and risk of serious injuries) are located along the foothills of the Alps, along the hilly regions close to the lowlands. For instance, the Bohemian Massif close to the Danube valley.

In the presented map of regional hail hazard of Austria, all regions up to 1500 meters above sea level were investigated.
Erweiterter Abstract unter: ... cts/50.pdf

Zur Info: Die ECSS (European Conference on Severe Storms) ist eine alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Veranstaltung des ESSL (Eoropean Severe Storms Laboratory), bei der sich Meteorologen aus Europa und weiteren Kontinenten bei Vorträgen, Postersessions und im Rahmenprogramm austauschen können.