ECSS 2013 Vortrag: Severe Convective Storms in the European Societal Context (Charles Doswell III.)

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Mittwoch 7. August 2013, 09:31

Wie sind Unwetter in der europäischen Gesellschaft verankert? Welchen Bezug haben die Leute dazu? Wie sieht es von Seiten der Wetterdienste aus? Dieser Keynote-Vortrag widmet sich diesem Thema.

ECSS 2013 Vortrag: Severe Convective Storms in the European Societal Context

Charles Doswell III

Powerpoint-Päsentationsfolien im PDF-Format: ... ns/190.pdf

Perceptions of the severe convective storm threat and the capacity to deal with that threat are strongly influenced by the social setting in which the storms occur. The social context for severe convection in Europe is distinctly different from that in the United States of America (USA), so a comparison between the two reveals certain factors that govern the responses to severe convective storm events. Although perceptions of the threat are different in Europe than in the USA, the objective hazards are more similar than they are widely understood to be. The development of infrastructure for dealing with the hazards necessarily depends on changing the existing perceptions and breaking down certain barriers to the creation of appropriate infrastructure.
Zur Info: Die ECSS (European Conference on Severe Storms) ist eine alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Veranstaltung des ESSL (Eoropean Severe Storms Laboratory), bei der sich Meteorologen aus Europa und weiteren Kontinenten bei Vorträgen, Postersessions und im Rahmenprogramm austauschen können.
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